Saturday, June 03, 2006

Getting a routine going

I woke up early today like I did yesterday and I thought, Great, I will do what I did yesterday and I'm sure this day will go just fine too. Well as they say, 'well-laid plans of mice and men', it is almost predictable the way my life is; I plan on doing something and I am sure to get blocked, side-tracked and forced away from my chosen rut. She tells me to go and fetch the plumber, my commander-in-chief did and if I complained and squirmed and tried to get out this errand, I would never see the end of it. I would have to feel bad too since one can't do a credible job of acting unwilling without some emotional outburst.

Emotions are no good for me. I never did get along with having bursts of adrenalin shock my system on a regular basis. Some people can't go through life without a crisis everyday. I guess I'm not just made out for excitement. There I was this morning, two hours of my time wasted on tying to locate someone who had probably moved to a better neighborhood. Well, not really wasted as I was able to get several bunches of banana. I can't live without banana the way Koreans can't live without kimchi.

Having started my day on my feet, I went with the flow and did some more errands. getting a quotation for a new computer which an incoming tenant needed to buy. It felt good to have my legs stretched and my blood circulating a liitle more quickly. Upon getting back to my trusty old PIII, I did my usual stuff and discovered a cool way to get linked. They have not approved me yet but I applaud what they are doing.

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