Monday, October 13, 2008

A day in Cagayan de Oro

For five months I lived in Cagayan de Oro and I tried my best to change my life. I may have succeeded somewhat because certain vistas have been opened for me. I have seen that I could accomplish things that I never thought I could do . I tried things that I never tried before and I changed the way that I looked at things.

I am no longer so concerned with using my mind to change my life. I just live each day without any burden or stress. Sometimes one cannot avoid stress but I try to factor in some easy thoughts. Cagayan might turn out to be something good for me. There might be something great waiting for me there. I don't rightly know if it will happen soon or if it will ever happen at all. There is nothing to indicate that I will ever achieve the things I want.

I planted lakatan in Maasin and that is close to Cagayan de Oro.

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